1. To Be With You Again 2. Running In The Family 3. Mr. Pink 4. The Sun Goes Down 5. Children Say 6. A Floating Life 7. Leaving Me Now 8. Love Games 9. World Machine 10. Starchild 11. Something About You 12. Heaven In My Hands 13. Lessons In […]
Да, друзья ! Та самая Candy Dulfer, саксофонистка нетленного хита. 1. Yeahyeahyeah 2. Say Something 3. Lily Was Here 4. Perspective 5. Perspective Reprise 6. Perspective Fast/Confusion 7. Afraid For More 8. Jammin’ Tonight 9. We Never Stop 10. The Climb 11. No Time For This 12. Pick Up The […]
Хороший джаз, это всегда классно, а джаз от Judith Hill классно втройне. 1. Love You Like Fire 2. God Bless The Mechanic 3. As Trains Goes By 4. Burn It All 5. Give Your Love To Someone Else 6. Silence 7. Wanderer 8. The Pepper Club 9. Cry, Cry, Cry […]