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Avenged Sevenfold – I Won’t See You Tonight Part 1

This song has two parts: Part 1 is about suicide from the point of view of the one committing it. The second part is from the perspective of a friend. The song was clearly influenced by Pantera’s songs “Suicide Note Pt. 1” and “Suicide Note Pt. 2.”

Matthew Sanders, the lead singer for Avenged Sevenfold known as M. Shadows, claimed that he walked in on the band’s former bass player Justin Sane as he was trying to commit suicide with cough syrup. Justin Sane was supposedly suffering from Bipolar Disorder and went to a mental hospital for a while. When he returned, the band (mainly M. Shadows) were concerned about Justin’s new behavior. In a “Take Action Tour” magazine when asked about Justin, Shadows said: “He went to mental institution for quite a few months, and when he got out, it was like he was on acid all the time. Eventually, we had to let him go because it was too much.”

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